Utah Baroque Ensemble’s 15th Annual Levente Medveczky Student Scholarship Competition was held on March 18th at 7:30 pm in Orem Public Library’s “Library Hall.” The event is open to instrumental artists from Grades 9-12 who are either residents of Utah County or are studying with a music teacher from the county. It is named in honor of Levente Medveczky, who served as organist for UBE prior to his untimely death in 2019.
Finalists who performed in this year’s concert were selected from video auditions. Seven were chosen, including Eva Harmon (violin), Fiona Jiang (piano), Luke Kelley (flute), Annie Poulsen (piano), Dawson Rasmussen (piano), Elizabeth Ricks (piano), and Clara Wadsworth (viola).
What a difficult task for UBE Director Martha Sargent and Alexander Woods, founder of BYU Baroque Ensemble, to adjudicate and select a winner. Every performance was outstanding! While the judges retired to discuss their decision, the audience was treated to a superb “exhibition performance” by bassoonist Laura Roberts (who, as an eighth grader, was not yet old enough to join the competition).
In the end, Clara Wadsworth, a student of Dr. Claudine Bigelow, was selected as winner of a $500 scholarship for her performance of the Allemande movement from J.S. Bach’s Cello Suite No. 2 in D Minor (transcribed for viola). Clara will repeat her performance as part of UBE’s spring concert, to be held at 7:30 pm on Sunday, April 14th, at the meetinghouse at 481 E. Center St. in Orem. Congratulations to Clara and to all of the wonderful performers this year!

Utah Baroque Ensemble is pleased to invite you to our Levente Medvecsky Student Scholarship Competition! This year’s event will be held on Monday, March 18th at 7:00 pm in the Orem Library’s Library Hall. Seven exceptional young musicians will be competing for a $500 scholarship prize: Eva Harmon (Violin), Fiona Jiang (Piano), Luke Kelley (Flute), Annie Poulsen (Piano), Dawson Rasmussen (Piano), Elizabeth Ricks (Piano), and Clara Wadsworth (Viola).
Come and support these outstanding young people in their solo performances!

Utah Baroque Ensemble is looking for talented singers to join our group. Come give us a try! We will be holding an “Open House” rehearsal on August 29 from 7:30-9:30. Come sing with us and then if you feel we’re a good match, return for an audition the following week (September 5) at 7:00 pm.
Grandview Chapel
1081 West 1060 North
Provo, Utah
You are invited by the Utah Baroque Ensemble to come to their Levente Medveczky Student Scholarship Competition this Thursday, March 30th at 7:00 in the Orem Library’s Library Hall. These eight fine musicians will be competing for a $500 scholarship prize: Fiona Jiang, Elizabeth Ricks, Lina-Sophie Heideker, Nicole Clinger, Allison and Sarah Whitt, Kiersten Robinson, and Kelsey Berges.
Come and support these outstanding young women.
We are looking for male singers with good intonation, refined vowels, very little vibrato, and a sound that blends with our group.
We are delighted to find good sight-readers of pitch and rhythm, who can adapt to suggestions, and are comfortable in languages–especially Latin and German.
Please apply online at: https://www.utahbaroque.org/auditions/
We will be auditioning for a few new choir members at the beginning of 2023! We have openings for sopranos, tenors, and basses. If you would like to get to know the choir before you audition, our January 3rd rehearsal will be open to prospective auditioners. We begin at 7:30 and rehearse at the Cascade Stake Center Chapel (481 E. Center Street, Orem). Come and sing alongside the other choir members for a fun experience. The rehearsals run from 7:30 to 9:30.
The official auditions will be held January 3rd and the next week, January 10th, at 7:00 at at our normal rehearsal venue, the Grandview Stake Center Chapel (1081 W 1060 N, Provo). Go to https://www.utahbaroque.org/auditions/ for information and to sign up for auditions.